Work in the Masters Program at NC State University / 2020–2021 / figma, adobe illustrator, photoshop, after effects, premiere, audition, mural

2020–21 DESIGN & WRITING FOLIO / The following is a book sharing the key projects I worked on over my first year as a Graduate Student at NC State University.

Tinder Futuristic Live Dating Feature // For a machine learning class in my first year in NC State University's Masters of Graphic Design program, I was assigned a two-week project to develop a feature for an existing app. Each classmate drew words at random to complete the following sentence: In a STERILE future, there is a TINDER feature, related to STORYTELLING. My three words are in all-caps. This prompt led me to develop a Tinder feature where individuals living in isolated cubes in amidst a mass-pandemic could go on virtual dates. I apologize as I have not yet added voiceover, but I hope you can catch the gist of the functionality.

Proposed Gerrymandering Solution // In my first semester at NC State, working towards my Masters of Graphic Design, the class was tasked with a series of week-long stabs at resolving what amounted to a wicked problem; a problem in design with no straightforward, evident solution. I chose the topic of gerrymandering, and over the course of 5 weeks of trying various data visualization solutions and educational videos, I found a direction that I think could generate a good deal of interest and concern around the topic. This site allows individuals to enter their address and see just how much (or little) their vote counts.